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Back to Cali – Garden Variety

By Ramses Barden — August 02, 2014

        I know you all are marveling at my catchy and original title, haha. Spending 5 years (and counting) playing professional football on the east coast really helps me appreciate home every time I land at LAX or Burbank. For the last few weeks all my friends have been complaining of the persistent heat wave that was consistent with the disruption of a seasonal storm. While I felt for them, because of the unusual heat, I wasn’t as empathetic as normal, because despite my safe haven, I was left jealous from the extended winter we survived in Buffalo. Often when I land in Southern California, and not too distracted by rush-hour traffic, I am enamored by the mountains and the vast scenery available from vantage of any Los Angeles freeway. This time was no different, as I marveled at the shaded brown and green marbling foothills upholding the southern region like a backbone. When I got home to Altadena, I could hardly put my bag down before I raced into the backyard, nearly tripping on the door panels to see our new family garden flourishing with the fruits of our labor. When I left for Buffalo, the adolescent garden was still deciding whether or not it wanted to take us seriously, but thanks to the blood, sweat, and mud of my Parents while I was away, we had a plethora of zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, collards, string beans, swiss chard, beets and even a watermelon upon my return. Safe to say that I didn’t have to worry about rush-hour getting to the grocery store (too corny to erase).

         The harvest was impressive, but I was happiest with my Pops dedication to the work. He probably wouldn’t even call it work, considering all the fun he seems to find soaking up the essence of Mother Earth. Seriously, it made me feel good he was able to find an enjoyable pastime why my mom and I are out of town with our jobs. I felt/feel a great peace of mind knowing that I don’t need to be home all the time when I am in town.