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The Vegan Lifestyle

By Ramses Barden — June 03, 2014

Raised semi-pescatarian, other than a Sloppy-Joe accident in Pre-School, I did not consume red-meat until I was 14 years old, pork even later. So when I began to adopt an increasingly plant-based diet a couple years ago, witnessed via my girlfriend, it was a fairly smooth transition to add chicken to that list of officially forbidden foods. Fish, milk, and eggs seemed much tougher to eliminate, especially when finding out how many foods are made with milk and cheese derivatives.

One week my girlfriend and I challenged ourselves to eat only raw plant-based foods. This came after we visited a friend’s house and witnessing this Vegan-bread Genius Baby that made everyone feel a little inadequate, and sharing raw vegan tacos with the parents. Still to this day, these were the best tacos I’ve ever eaten, INCLUDING those with animal meat. We watched her build the tacos out just a few raw plant-based ingredients as if it was some Renaissance culinary masterpiece. We were so moved by the meal that over the next several weeks, we felt even looking at cooked food to be treacherous.

Instantly, what we experienced, which was consistent with the aftermath of our Brooklyn vegan double-date, was an incredible boost in energy that sustained us through the entire day. No afternoon naps, no ‘Itus’, just a heightened sense of mental clarity and greater body functionality. I lead a very active lifestyle, obviously, and I found a wide and growing gap between the energy levels of myself and my other Giants teammates.

Since becoming officially Vegan, I no longer get sick, my five fundamental sense have become sharper, I’m am much less prone to injury, I require very little eating because of the nutrient dense foods, I have a greater appreciation for the natural world around me, and I have harnessed a number of unwritten Universal truths that I can only share in person. Veganism has been a keynote factor in my becoming a more sensitive and enlightened Ramses.